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Chief Executive Officer GIS & WebMapping
Microgis SA ch. des Jordils 40 CH-1025 St-Sulpice SWITZERLAND
Lecturer Remote Sensing
LaSIG GIS & RS Lab. / ENAC Faculty Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) CH-1015 LAUSANNE SWITZERLAND |
Swiss nationality Born in 1975 married three kids
http://www.abram.ch |
+41 21 691 7717
education 2007 | PhD in GIScience, EPFL Switzerland | 2000 | MSc in envir. sciences, EPFL, Switzerland |
professional experience 2009... | CEO, Microgis SA, Switzerland | 2008... | Project Manager & Administrator, Microgis SA, Switzerland | 2007-08 | Collaborator, Microgis SA, Switzerland | 2004-06 | Lecturer in GIS Technologies, EPFL, Switzerland | 2003... | Lecturer in Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing, EPFL, Switzerland | 2000-04 | Researcher in RS and GIS methodology in Social and Environmental Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland | 1998-99 | Teaching assistant in soil physic, EPFL, Switzerland | 1998 | Teaching assistant in topography, EPFL, Switzerland |
computer experience Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux, OpenOffice, MSOffice, MSAccess, MySQL, Filemaker, S-PLUS, R, Delphi, HTML, Javascript, PHP, Flex, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat | Manifold, MapInfo, ArcGIS, Microstation, FME, Geogateway, Erdas Imagine, ERMapper, Idrisi, ENVI, eCognition | Web Design and Mastering |
languages French: mother tongue English: good knowledge German: good knowledge | Indonesian: basis |
personnal experience MANOURIA 1998-2006 Redaction Committee Member
Travel, Landscape, Wildlife photography
Trekking, Skiing
Saxophone (1991-2001), Classical & Gospel Choirs
Journeys: Cape Verde, China, Senegal, Cameroon, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, USA, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Europe
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