My PhD thesis
My thesis titled
Rencontre de la science de l'information géographique et de l'anthropologie culturelle: modélisation spatiale et représentation de phénomènes culturels
is focusing on the methodological aspects of linking GIScience and Cultural Anthropology approaches in order to provide anthropologists with an exploratory access to them data on a spatial point of view.
The Wolaland project
This Leverhulme Fund project is a collaboration of the Department of Anthropology of the Durham University (UK) and MicroGIS. It links together ethnographic and geographic research through the innovative use of GIScience technologies, using information from the highlands region of Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Wolaland Interactive
An interactive Atlas of the Wola Land, as project result, is striving to maximise analytical capacity for users, with due regard to ethical issues. The system will be interactive, allowing users to view and analyze data according to their interests in human-environment interactions.